CHP Cogenearation heat and power

Systems for the cogeneration of heat and electric power. Directory over all our reports about CHP cogen plants.

Cheap vegetable oil micro CHP cogen Cheap vegetable oil micro CHP cogen
Because of the cheap Indian Standmotor, the complete CHP can be offered at an far lower price than usual in Germany.

Valve controll by a pestle Valve controll by a pestle
At an low RPM stationary engine are also pestles good enough for the valve controll. The engine looks like, that a good mechanican can repair everything.

Cheap Diesel engine Cheap Diesel engine
Even the starter battery is in India a luxury. Normal to start with a starting handle. An engine optimized for the rural areas of India.

Gas - biogas - fuel cell Gas - biogas - fuel cell
Many different sorts of gas can be used in the hot high temperature fuel cell to be converted into electric power and 400 degree hot used air. The used air can be used for industrial applications.

Hot high temperature fuel cell Hot high temperature fuel cell
The fair sensation at stationary electric power production. 49% efficiency at electric power and for many industrial appliciacations suitable 400 degree used air temperature.

CHP fuel cell instead of combustion engine CHP fuel cell instead of combustion engine
CHP had been only economically for large consumers. This fuel cell for Diesel or gas with 1 kW electricity and 4,5 kW heat will make the use in single family houses possible.

  Technic for buildings and living

Modern domestic technic from air to air heat exchange to central vacuum cleaners. Directory over all our reports about house technic.

Airing systems with heat recovery
Airing systems with heat recovery. Directory over all our reports about air to air heat exchangers.

Airing accessories
Accessories for airing systems. Directory over all our reports about airing systems accessories

Heat pump
Heat pumps. Directory over all our reports about heat pumps.

Technic for cleaning
Cleaning tools for house and garden. Directory over all our reports about cleaning tools.

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