Airing systems with heat recovery

Airing systems with heat recovery. Directory over all our reports about air to air heat exchangers.

Airing for buildings Airing for buildings
Large airing systems for residential or office buildings with over 90% heat recovery for 800 to 15.000 m³ air exchange per hour.

Airing for apartments or rooms Airing for apartments or rooms
This airing device is designed for the renovation of old buildings, where other air to air heat recovery systems are difficult to install.

Flat airing with heat recovery Flat airing with heat recovery
Airing with heat recovery for multi appartment houses where each single appartment has such an airing unit installed flat below the ceiling.

Humidity recovery from waste air Humidity recovery from waste air
Unitl now, humidity recovery was only with rotating heat exchangers possible, This countercurrent heat exchanger is out of a material to recover also humidty.

Air-to-air-heat-exchanger improved Air-to-air-heat-exchanger improved
On the first sight, this air to air heat exhanger looks different. Many other vendors just purchase heat exchangers and built an own unit out of it.

Airing to install between ceilings Airing to install between ceilings
The flat airing for the air exchange of single appartments photographed from below. The unit is special designed for the installation between ceilings.

60 squaremeter heat exchanger 60 squaremeter heat exchanger
Not out of plates, but from channels exists this gegenstrom crosscurrent heat exchanger. The exchange surface is 3 times larger than in usual heat exchangers.

Summer bypass flap Summer bypass flap
In the lower part of the device the bypass flap. Some other vendors deliver this only as special accessory. But 2 to 3% of the air could go the wrong way.

Air exchange with ventilator from outside Air exchange with ventilator from outside
The ventilators are only in the air streams seperated by the heat exchanger from the living space. The heat exchanger beomes in this way also a silencer.

Airing system of single-family dwellings Airing system of single-family dwellings
On the top left in the picture is the flap of the summer bypass. Thus the chill current of air from an underground buried pipe is not warmed up by the exhaust air.

Comfort ventilation system with summer bypass Comfort ventilation system with summer bypass
If it is very warm in summer, the heat recovery is undesirable. This living space airing has already integrated the bypass for the summer activity.

Apartment airing with heat recovery Apartment airing with heat recovery
How does a ventilation system with heat recovery function? In the exhibition stand of Aerex had been a very clear explanation for this.

Rotating heat exchanger Rotating heat exchanger
Here shows Hoval on his booth an energy revovery ventilator with show window. In the rotating heat exchanger are many flues.

ERV energy recovery ventilator ERV energy recovery ventilator
This ventilation system recovers not only heat from the outgoing air, but also humidity. less dry air in the living space.

  Technic for buildings and living

Modern domestic technic from air to air heat exchange to central vacuum cleaners. Directory over all our reports about house technic.

Airing accessories
Accessories for airing systems. Directory over all our reports about airing systems accessories

Heat pump
Heat pumps. Directory over all our reports about heat pumps.

CHP Cogenearation heat and power
Systems for the cogeneration of heat and electric power. Directory over all our reports about CHP cogen plants.

Technic for cleaning
Cleaning tools for house and garden. Directory over all our reports about cleaning tools.

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