Photo catalogs - - 017

Catalog page 017: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

Pilsting - Peigen - Habsburger Street 13 - photovoltaic system
Buyer: Xaver Dachs: Photovoltaic system with 6.12 kW peak. Modules: 68 x Helios H900 / 90 W. Bavaria - Pilsting - Super merket Neukauf - 100000 roofs program
Neukauf Pilsting  11.52 kW peak. Modules Solarex MSX-120, inverters: 4 x SMA Sunny Boy 2500. Speciality: Large display and remote supervision. Central vacuum cleaner in the basement
No exhaust air from the vacuum cleaner in the house, because the central vacuum cleaner is in the basement. Much less noise and more comfort. Cable transfer to the rotateable house
All utility lines of the firm basement are transferred to the rotatable house here. Electric power, water and from the central vacuum cleaner Turnable house: always after the sun
From firm basement photographed up to the rotatable part: Exhaust, supply air and waste water are feeded into the center of the rotatable house. Gear drive with wheels to turn the house
2 of such gearmotors for turning the house are installed in the preproduction model. Tests yielded that one would completely have been sufficient. Sound absorber of the ventilating system
Huge sound absorbers at the ventilating system guarantee living comfort. Energy saving which does not influence the comfort. Heat recovery from outgoing air
The warm outgoing air gives the biggest part of the heat energy to the cold incoming air. Even necessary for low energy houses. With plus energy houses a must. Sponsors for a solar energy project
A house of the future from 2091: 1991 designed and 2001 finished. A vision about living in the age of solar energy supported by many future-oriented companies. GEMINI inhabited solar power plant: guided tour
She will tell You during the guided tour about technic, targets and backgrounds of the house, which is at the same time a solar power plant Styria exhibition for energy - Weiz - GEMINI solar power plant
The GEMINI house is open until 28. October 2001: Monday to friday 11am - 1pm, 2pm - 6 pm, Saturday 11am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 6pm Whirlpool in bath
Exclusive detail in the bathroom: Bathtoob with whirlpool to show the connection between noble livestyle and solar energy. Turnable solar equipment on the GEMINI house
A hot summer day with the huge windows always turned to the sun? No, to hot. To solve the problem, the solar equipment can turn independent from the house. First floor with 2 room in semicircle form
The windows are room high. The balcony balustrade is very hardly to see out of turned glass. Before, a part of the photovoltaics plant. Livingroom as lecture hall during the exhibition
The round livingroom with the integrated furniture concept serves as lecture hall during the styria country exhibition about energy. Photo of solar house - styria country exhibition
Look as fresh from a SF SciFi Science Fiction film however, was planned in order to help to solve concrete energy problems on the planet earth. Hallways to control the prisoners
Endless long halways inf font of the prison cells? Fot that the wardens can better control the prisoners? Wrong this is a “social“ settlement in Salzburg. (A)social settlement in Salzburg
The architecture is inspired by US prisons. The inner courtyard with long hallways with the prison cells, no apartments behind. Room for Europark parking lots
To have enough parking lots for the near Europark, the Polaring settlement is extrem dense built. Why not the settlement over the parking lots? Cheap living in a mobil home not in Salzburg
In the district of Salzburg is only one place for mobile homes. A little bit remote and direct beside the A10 highway “Tauernautobahn“ Romantic reside
In the evening, the sun comes for a short time though the dense clouds over the fair area and gives an idea over the romantic reside feeling in a mobil home Cheap foundation for cheaper construction
While one family houses need at last a foundation for around 10,000,-EUR, a mobile home needs no foundation, so it's remarkable cheap. Simple wall construction at a mobile home
Not all companies do such an effort like Tobs at the energy saving mobile home. Here an example what is the usual standard at mobile homes. Mobile home wall construction
The maximum width to make the transport as e simple retinued over broad transport is 3.6m. So not su much place for thermal insulation remains. Energy saving mobile home
As a world innvoation calls manufacturer Tobs his fiirst energy saving mobile home. Reason enough to examine the concept mobile home for living. Central vacuum cleaner in the garage
In each floor is a in the hallway a plug for the vacuum cleaner. The 9m long hospipe reachs to every room in a floor. Fallout shelter in the cellar
1993 at the application for construction was in the styran construction code a fallout shelter with 260kg door from steal and lead necessary. Ping pong in cellar
Room for ping pong in the cellar. Far left is the door to the fallout shelter visible. Cellar door half transparent mirror
The cellar can be also reached by an outdoor stair. 8 mirrored glas windows decorate the door frame. To see from inside out, but not from outside in. Playroom above the garage
Above the garage, maybe a half meter lower than the first floor is below the roof a playroom for children.