Photo directory - - 013

Catalog page 013: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

Pigsty from a single-family house
A single-family house means in Romania as much independence as possible and independence means own food like pigs, chickens and vegetables. 30.000 EUR House
One has not counted the working hours, the whole the building of a house has cost about 30 000 EUR, equally  prise of my Seat Alhambra parked before it. New single-family house in Romania in 2005
Here stands the pride of a Roumanian family. Escaped from the dreary concrete block with own hands work, the house is completely established in own contribution. New building settlement by Birlad in Romania
The houses are new, but it is built with traditional materials like already before centuries. Old or anew, so, the age of the settlement is not recognizable. Access way to a new settlement area
Already in dry weather the access road is a burden. The inhabitants of the new settlement hope to get as soon as possible a tarred street. Doghouse on a farm in Romania
Absolute minimalism with the construction of this doghouse. 2 boards, something what could be roofing felt, some straw in the internal and already is the doghouse finished. Turkeys without stable
Just the open land kepping was forbade in Austria because of the bird's influenza. However, here in Romania open land bird's posture is omnipresent. Goose keeping in Romania
On the access way to the farm of my parents in law in a village close Birlad in Romania are a lot of geese. No stable, only shelters for the birds. Fertilizer collection
Here the farmers with the liquid manure barrels behind the tractor take over the liquid manure. The material what comes from the fermentation gas system is similar to cow dung. Fertilizer from the fermentation gas equipment
The lagoon catches 2,000 cubic meters fertilizers. After 6 months of fermentation gas production the lagoon is full. Then there come the farmers and fetch the valuable fertilizer. Second fermenter 1500 m³
The tent roof serves as a gas storage. The storage can store the produced gas for 11.5 hours. At the moment electricity and heat is produced with the gas in a 500 kW gas engine. Main fermenter 1500 m³
For the start, 1300 ms ³ sanies had been introduced to the bacterial cultivation . Another research equipment got by 2 years without slury supplies, here the researchers hope more. Solid entry
From the driving silos are up to 50 cubic meters of biomass all at once brought in the solid entry. This thing is comparable, so to speak, to the mouth of the cow. Driving silo as a biomass depot
10,000 metric tons of biomass of the maize cultivation are delivered here per year in the driving silos. Each of 4 driving silos is 15 ms wide and 70 ms long. Unobtrusively in the landscape
From the left to the right: District heating Strem with 2 * 500 kWh of gas engines. The gas tent of the second fermenter, the driving silo. The rest  can not be seen from here. Scheme of the biogas production in Strem
What hangs here as an facility scheme of the Thöni biogas production on a wall, we introduce on the next sides photo for photo in the reality. Prizewinners Eurosolar Austria 2005
We plan to publish a picture reportage over each of the award winning projects. Soon more on this sites. Electric cars in Vienna
What was in the DDR the Trabi and in Romania the Dacia, that is at the electric car drivers from Vienna the Peugeot 106 electric Meeting of generations
Every fan of electric cars know the City-El, for the distribution chiefs of IO-scooter and E-Max was the City-El an unknown oldtimer estimated for the end of the 1980 decade. Electric scooter for our comparative test
Our technical magazine for cars and traffic prepares since September a big compare test of electric scooters. We met 2 candidates at the presentation of awards. Airing: airing system
In the plus energy settlement there is also controlled living space airing after an unusual principle. Instead of separate ones, one outlet simply Inhaleing and exhaling. Roof as a moveable economic property
The photovoltaic roof is so easy to mount and dismantle that it can be seen as a movable economic property. No land transfer tax for the roof. Rosa Luxemburg street in Freiburg
The means of production in the hand of the whole population! The conversion of this ideal is behind the street sign: Photovoltaic roofs for the own production of electric power. Roof scenery of the future
Photovoltaic roof gradualy spreads to  the roof scenery of the future before us. The plus energy houses produced beyond the personal use electric power. Construction method without cellar: Box in the garden
The plus energy-row houses are all implemented without cellar. For it the boxes stand in the garden for the bicycles and the other junk. Row house to the electric power production
The shade on the row house comes from the solar ship. This shadows the settlement also from the street noise of Merzhauserstraße. The whole roof is photovoltaic. Row houses as energy producers
A roof which produces no electric power is a waste! In 20 years a roof without photovoltaic will already probably activate a big unrest about the inhabitants of the house. Business premises and office house solar ship
The business premises and office building guard the settlement of row houses situated behind it from the street noise of Merzhauser-street. Photvoltaic near the technology center Güssing
To the south of the main building is this big photovoltaic system mounted. Technology center Güssing
The offices of the biomass power station and many other innovative companies on the subject renewable energy are in the technology center Güssing.