Photo dir - - 011

Catalog page 011: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

LED Lamps surface lighting
During the day the light comes by the 10% transparent photovoltaic. The energy is stored and provides also at night for lighting. Station with photovoltaic and LED lamps.
Slightly clear photovoltaic on the top, below a surface with LED lamps. Light of the day provides for more lighting and security at night and everything without mains connection. Photovoltaic world record
12,5 ms ² and 1,550 watts with one modul makes the world-biggest photovoltaic possible. The modul is from Ertl lower Austria. WLAN rip of, no thanks!
11.60 EUR for 2 hours. What should somebody do with such an offer on a fair? An offer with time limit to be consumed in one block is senseless. Blimp airship and solar calculations
If one has seen the adaptable photovoltaic foil of Sharp just on a photovoltaic fair and sees all at once a Blimp, one catches of course immediately to calculate. A blimp is no zeppelin
Above the exhibition center circles a Blimp. Blimp are holding the form by the inside pressure. At a zeppelin, however, by a stiff scaffolding. Fair tents in Freiburg
The intersolar fair 2005 was too big for existing 3 fair halls with 12,000 ms ². Not to have to put up tents again it is extended till 2006 by a hall 4 with 4800 ms ². Intersolar fair Freiburg 2005
A biaxial tracked photovoltaic is the landmark of the Intersolar, which greets the visitors at the entrance. Indeed, not correctly turned towards the sun. Battery chargers for electric power tools
This battery charger the lithium ion professional series is suitable for all accumulators. Lithium ion batteries in electric power tools
News and statements on current topics concerning the energy transition, climate protection and the necessary development towards worldwide wealth. Sheep wool insulation
Each cubicmeter contains 16 kg sheep wool. Each sheep delivers about 2 kg wool per year. But how does it happen, that wool is nearly not more expensive than other insulation? Hall heating with wood pellets
Minus 9 degree Celsius 10:00am on the parking lot of the fair. To warm such a tent like fair hall, it's better to rent a 800 kW pellets heating. Heat pump demo
This modified home exercise kit is for the illustration of the heat pump. The compressor powered by human muscles takes the coolant. Home exercise kit heat pump
The theory is well known. Higher temperature difference between cold and warm side causes more energy demand for the heat pump. Hydrogen energy cycle
Hydrogen economy as a model. Photovoltaic delivers electric power, electrolysis splits water, hydrogen stored, fuel cell delivers electricity. Self photo with infrared camera
What is normally used to make cold bridges at houses visible is here used as a fair attraction. An infrared camera shows pictures on 4 big screens. Triple glass window with integratged rouleau
Also at this 3 glass window is the special fitting for a uninterrupted seal used. Window fitting uninterrupted seal
At normal hinges is the seal interrupted at the hinge. This fitting used at high quality windows makes an uninterrupted seal all around possible. Residential project with Fen Shui and a big pond
3 different passive houses with divers special features around the common used 90m long pond makes the project living circle. Feng Shui project in Retz lower Austria
3 architects, 3 different types of passive houses, 17 houses, a big swimming pond in the middle and one society house develops in Retz lower Austria. Rotating heat exchanger
Here shows Hoval on his booth an energy revovery ventilator with show window. In the rotating heat exchanger are many flues. ERV energy recovery ventilator
This ventilation system recovers not only heat from the outgoing air, but also humidity. less dry air in the living space. Segway steering for curves
After reading several years about the Segway in newspapers, now I learn how to steer it. Forward and reverse by weight distribution. Segway sighted in Austria
Hoval distributed flyers with one of the first segways in Austria on the construction fair in Vienna. A good promotion idea because the exotic Segway is very noticeable. Swimming pond cleaning
Instead of in a pump with subpressure, the CLAQ sediment pumper is connected to a high-pressure cleaner as for example from Kärcher. This makes the system very inexpensive. Swimming pond planning
A swimming pond belongs to the dreams at the planned house. Besides, the unusual is planned. In search of a competent partner for the realization Claq struck. Passable wardrobe
Behind the sliding door is an extensive system of drawers and bars for the clothes. Sliding door to and nothing is to be seen more from all contents. Passable cupboard
Separee from Bavaria shows his cupboard and sliding door systems. An interesting solution, I include it perhaps in my planning for my own house. Kitchen drawer with special fitting
About 10 cms before the touch, the lively push in drawer becomes all at once much slower. A special drawer fitting provides for this feature. Braal - the whispering kitchen
What can whisper in a kitchen? Curiously from the advertising saying, I decide to go for the thing on the reason. The solution of the riddle is the seal mechanic of  the drawers.