Photo catalogs - - 010

Catalog page 010: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

Fireproof facade insulation
With more building height, fire safety becomes more important.. Sto ThermoCell is incombustible and so suitable for skyscrapers. Here the buildup of a facade insulation. Transparent insulation
The insualtion consists of many transparent tubules side by side. In front of the tubules a translucent covering of the insulation. Translucent insulation
1996 won Sto with the transparent insulation the innovation prize of German commerce. At the low sun in winter, the wall behind the insulation is warmed up. Solar cooker, cooking with the sun
Far beyond the possibilities of this smallest photovoltaic system is cooking. Here a burning mirror for concentrating the sunlight on the cooking pot. LED Flashlight with generator
In the middle a coil can be seen. In the tube is a permanent magnet. Shake it with the hand and You have light several minutes light from the  LED-lamp. 12 volts of soldering iron
For the use with the small solar sets is laid out of these 12 V soldering iron. Soldering is possible with solar energy from the smallest equipments. Distributor outlet 12 volts
The distribution outlet brings the whole wolrd of 12V car applications to the solar systems. Battery charger for mobile phone or for AA batteries or car-adapter for notebooks Switch box for micro solar energy equipment
No matter whether 4, 7 or 10 watts of solar set, on the backside is the connection for the photovoltaic and an on/off switch. Inside charge regulator and sealed lead acid battery. 10 watts Photovoltaic set
10 watts PV and 12 Ah sealed lead acid battery raise the price of the complete arrangement on 250. EUR. This is already enough to use a notebook 2 or 3 hours on a sunny day. It becomes a light in Africa: Solar set with lamp
7 watts Photovoltic, 7 Ah sealed lead battery and, in addition, a cable with a lamp. Clean light instead of an oil lamp. Completely for 120. EUR. Solar energy beginner's parcel less than 60. EUR
4 watts Photovoltaic modul, 3 Ah 12 V of sealed lead  battery, connecting leads for a 12 V lamp and with a 12 V of outlet to connect the whole world of 12V car applications. Electricity for Africa
Electric power for people without public electricity net and minimal monthly income. SolarCompact has specialized in these people forgotten by the big companies. Progress with amorphous silicon cells
The first modules of this size had only 10 watts till 1996. Then in 1997 I could test a 12 watts module. Now the technic has arrived at 18 watts. Round standing seam roof with photovoltaic
The photovoltaic is already provided on the roof elements. Quick assembly of the finished part roofs allow a very inexpensive roof as well as favorable solar energie. Roof renovation for big flat roofs
1 m wide and up to 24 ms long are such ready roof elements in mono sandwich construction method. And the generated energy pays off the renovation completely by itself. Roof: Photovoltaic roof underside
In the underside of a ready roof element are the energy connections of the photovoltaic. Today with this new technology one would produce many large photovoltaic roofs more cheap. Sandwich roof with heat insulation and photovoltaic
Cross section by a ready roof element: Amorphous photovoltaic from Uni-Solar. Under it in 3 different strengths deliverable a foamed heat insulation. Roof-integrated photovoltaic
For what make a roof and integrate a photovoltaic? It is much eaiser, when the roof and the photovoltaikc are together delivered. Fashion color black: new photovoltaic with more achievement
With an increase in output of the crystalline silicon cells also there came a color change. Instead of up to now blue gleaming, present the new cells in deep black. Crystalline silicon in thin layer
Much less consumption of silicon. Only 2 µ k instead of some 100 µm is the crystalline layer of this new thin layer module of Sharp thick. Transparent photovoltaic
The connecting leads are hidden in the metal frame. The photovoltaic cells generate energie from light of both sides. So, this module is also called Janus. Double-sided photovoltaic half transparent: Janus
This on both sides active photovoltaic offers new creation elements for the architecture. Maybe a garden fence or the balustrade for a patio. Airing system of single-family dwellings
On the top left in the picture is the flap of the summer bypass. Thus the chill current of air from an underground buried pipe is not warmed up by the exhaust air. Comfort ventilation system with summer bypass
If it is very warm in summer, the heat recovery is undesirable. This living space airing has already integrated the bypass for the summer activity. Apartment airing with heat recovery
How does a ventilation system with heat recovery function? In the exhibition stand of Aerex had been a very clear explanation for this. Electic power failure in spite of own photovoltaic equipment
Normally a net-coupled photovoltaic equipment switches off immediately if the net has no tension. Protection for electrical engineers maybe just repairing the grid. Inventer in the German Bundestag
A victory for a complete diffferent inverter stategy on the roof of the German Bundestag in Berlin. Modular instead of high voltage. Dashboard of the first inventer
Zurich ETH developed the prototype of the first inventer. Extremely a lot of expenditure for 576 watts of top achievement. Here the dashboard. First inverter for grid  conection
A real museum piece from the year 1984 was to be seen in the exhibition stand of Baden Wurttemberg: the first inverter with one has tested net feed functions. Fire brigade can refuse extinguishing
Who holds jet of water on something what leads up to 1,000 volts of tension? This photovoltaic switches off at 100 degrees and does not endanger the fire brigade.