Photo catalogs - - 003

Catalog page 003: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

Bedroom in Tobs 1080 mobile home
Just right now with our apartment with slanted walls below the roof, we can only dream from a sleeping room with so much cupboards. This furnishings is suitable for a main place of residence. Living room in Tobs 1080 mobile home
The kitchen is integrated into the living room in the entrance hall between living room and bedroom. Tobs 1080 mobile home fair model 2007
10.8m long and 3,65m width is the next mobile home which is presented by Tobs in Düsseldorf on the Caravan Show. Children's room in mobile home Tobs 860x610
Only the children's room is by it's size only for residence during the holydays designed. For permanent live a little bit to small. Bathroom in mobile home Tobs 860x610
Like usual in mobile homes, there is in the bathroom no bathtub, but only a cabin for shower Bedroom in mobile home Tobs 860x610
Roomy cubboards at the head end left and at the middle wall right show, this is not only for design, here it's possible to accommodate all things. Living room in mobile home Tobs 860x610
The spacious living room with integrated kitchen shows the difference between the broad construction with 2 parts combined compared to the long models. Tobs 860x610 mobile home fair model 2007
Tobs shows with 2 parts 860 cm long and 305 cm width parts combined to 610 cm width, what all is possible at mobile homes. Mobile home fair Düsseldorf panorama
Panorama photo from the mobile homes on the Caravan show Düsseldorf 2007. Tobs, which presented 1999 his energy saving mobile home was with 3 models on the fair. Intersolar 2008 in Munich
The fair ground in Freiburg is to small. This year had been 6 big tents where usual the parking lot of the fair is. Out of this reason, the fair Intersolar will be in 2008 Munich Solar roofing tile
Even when You like roofing tiles, You can use solar energy. GS presents this system with photovoltaic roofing tiles. Photovoltaic production CO2 emission
Proudly announces Evergreensolar with only 25,4 g CO2 per kWh solar electric power at their photovoltaic modules. At the calculation, the CO2 at the production is distributed on 25 years. Combined collector
From left to right: solar collector, photovoltaic and both in one. The combined colletor has a so good thermal efficiency, that hot water can be produced without heat pump. Flat roof foil
4 pieces of 6m long photovoltaic foils are on a flat roof foil from SolarIntegrated integrated. Photovoltaic façade fair building Wels
11.000 kWh per year delivers this photovoltaic façade on the administration builidng of the fair in Wels. This is about 5000.-EUR per year. Vent pipes easy to place
This pipes for airing system are easy to cut to length and to easy to stick together. Only 16 seconds Video (1,7 MB) show both.. Preheating for the air before the heat exchanger
The systems for using the heat of the earth are here combined with an airing system. The air from outside is warmed up before the heat exchanger by the heat of the earth. Airing for buildings
Large airing systems for residential or office buildings with over 90% heat recovery for 800 to 15.000 m³ air exchange per hour. Heat pump with high COP
Higher COP and less energy usage by electronic injection of the coolant. This together with other measurements gives an unusual high COP. drilling machine for deep drills instruments
Nordmeyer drilling machine with 5,8 kN hydraulic forward push. Photo from the instrumens of the self  propelling earth drilling machine. Deep drill for heat of the earth
This 8 tons heavy drilling machine drills holes for the usage of the heat of the earth. In average, 30 litre Diesel per hour consumed and 20m deep drilled. Hose pull in at central vacuum cleaner
The automatic hose pull in is the innovation what makes the difference between ZentOrgA and numerous other vendors. The hose disappears in a cavum in the floor. Central vacuum cleaner
Central vacuum cleaners are much more energy efficient than small vacuum cleaners. So the 1700 Watt engine brings 627 Watt in the air stream. Sheep wool insulation
Sheep are important to maintain the landscape. Besides this, they produce a very good insulation material. Insulation products with up to u=0.035 W/mK Heat pump furtherance from Salzburg AG
Only at good insulated houses gives the Salzburg AG a furtherance on the required thermical achievement of the heat pump. A good action to save energy. Ecological electric power from the Salzburg AG
For all which do not want to change the provider because of ecological electric power, Salzburg AG has a special tariff, 1.5 Cent more for a kWh for ecological projects. Modern home trainer
While many sport shops have only home trainers to generate heat, this prototype oi the Salzburg country government produces also electric power while pedaling. Cold beer to hard
Home trainer with heat pump. In the left tub is a bottle of beer, but at the required pedaling to make the beer cool, it's likely to give up before. Passive house wall buildup
The IG passive house shows on the fair this wall construction. With 50cm wall is u=0.1 achieved. Exactly what I promoted 1991. Passive house termin in Austria
Visiting the booth of the IG psaaive house fills my tickler file with a highly important termin: May 12th is opening of the passive house village for test housing.