Photo index - - 001

Catalog page 001: Thumbnails directory over all photos and pictures on . Most originals are available in high resolution.

Wall break through
Want to install a natural gas stove in a building protected as a cultural monument? Very simple - punch a hole in the wall for the chimney. Water damage by cut downspout
You want to get rid of a cultural monument protected building? Maybe a cut downspout is the preferred method. Downspout cutted
At this also under international cultural monument protection beeing building is the downspout cutted. Wall erosion
Maybe this wall erosion was caused by a removed downspout. Downspout removed
At all this cultural monument protected building are at the roof all downspouts removed Luxury hotel 1995
The sign now mocks visitors that visit the ruin that what was once an international cultural monument and luxury hotel. European cultural monument
A historic marker for an internationally protected cultural monument. In 1995 this historic building was used as a luxury hotel for visitors of the health resort. Light well
Light well to bring from the roof of a building daylight fo a windowless interior room. in Interior room illuminated by light from the roof
In the interior room of the trailer comes light only by a light well with 25 cm diameter. Daylight from the roof to interior room
On the fair is a trailer to show how to bring daylight into a windowless interior room by a light well. 1,25 Megawatt Transformator
This 4,3 tons heavy trnaformator has the task to feed 1,25 MW solar electric power in the medium voltage grid. In the right 3 cables for 20 kV. Megawatt electric cable
3 electric rails 10mm x 80mm are coming from the inverter. After this each phase has 2 cables, each 300 mm² to the 20.000 Volt transformator with 1,25 MW power. 1,25 Megawatt inverter
Who has a roof as large as 2 soccer fields needs this a little bit bigger inverter. In the opened part on the right side is a transformer for the medium voltage grid. Box photovoltaic home system open
In the box at the bottom 2 100 Ah lead acid batteries and above the inverter. Left below middle a fan to bring the heat from the inverter out of the box. Solar home system with 1300 Watt
2 * 80 Watt photovoltaic and 2 * 100 Ah batteries can produce by an inverter up to 1300 Watt 230 Volt AC. This is like to have on a camp ground a 6 A fuse. Mini photovoltaic home system
12 Volt 12 Ah battery and 18 Watt photovoltaic are enough for radio, light, charge the cell phone and a netbook. On the right side 2 12 V sockets. Dipl. Ing Samuel D Fan
Shows the range of his home systems. Left a 12 V DC system with 12 Ah battery and 18 Watt photovoltaic, left with 2 100 Ah batteries and 160 Watt PV. Electric scooters for Africa
Photovoltaic and electric scooters for Africa. A theme mentioned by PEGE in  alternative US military budget 2007 and oil exit 2008 now shown at the Intersolar. Combination photovoltaic and solar collector
Roof areas have to be used more efficient. More electric power by cooling the photovoltaic and heat production as an additional benefit. Combined electric power and heat
2008 had been this combination of photovoltaic and solar collector honored by the German price of handwork companies. Cheap photovoltaic
The moduls are the 1/4 size from Signet. Signet is top favorite for the roof of my future house. Signet has the production equipment from Applied Materials. Masdar photovoltaic
At the Masdar project, they do not order for the future town photovoltaic modules, but photovoltaic factories. Applied materials delivers the production equipment. Enough solar power for planet earth
Finally, solar power on the scale the planet has been waiting for. In 7 month brought Applied Materials 5 factories to mass production. The potential of solar power
Put enough pannels in enough places, and the promise of solar becomes limitless. For this, a technology based on raw material available like sand on the beach in necessary. Cities with solar energy
Imagine entire cities powered by the sun. Already the placards from the parking lot west to the entrannce show the most important of the Intersolar 2009. Floorplan Intersoler 2009
Growth of 7 halls with 76.000 squaremeter to 9 occupied halls with 100.000 squaremeter. ERI Pressure Exchanger  energy recovery system
Appoximately 60 bar are necessary for sea water desalination with reverse osmosis. The water leaves the membranes with a remaining pressure of 58 bar. The ERI system recovers 93 to 97% of this energy and makes sea water reverse osmois plants affordable. DANFOSS axial piston pump high pressure pumps
High efficiency pumps from Danfoss are a central part of our low energy  desalination systems Water  cost calculator: cheapest drinking water costs
Calculate your water costs with our plants and your specific data like energy cost and variable yearly interests. With our waterprice you win. Definitely. Trapeze roof
Alternative to the trapeze roofs with Unisolar thin film: Up to 500m² can be mounted per day with this crystalline silicon system.