Wall construction

From the simple mobile home wall construction up to a modern passive house. Overview over all wall constructions, we wrote in our technical magazine.

Samermösl wall construction Samermösl wall construction
On the booth of the IG passiv house Salzburg was this wall construction to see from the residence project Samer Mösl, a big residential passive building project.

Smart house wall construction Smart house wall construction
Much more insulation than at simple mobil homes, but the salesman exaggerates when he wants to see here a basic superiority against mobil homes.

Passive house wall buildup Passive house wall buildup
The IG passive house shows on the fair this wall construction. With 50cm wall is u=0.1 achieved. Exactly what I promoted 1991.

Wall construction wood Wall construction wood
Heradomo shows a display case, how to reach with 35,5cm wall thickness on u=0.15. 0,5cm conver, 2cm ground, 5cm Heraklith BM, 20cm jamb and insulation, 1.5cm OSB plate.

Simple wall construction at a mobile home Simple wall construction at a mobile home
Not all companies do such an effort like Tobs at the energy saving mobile home. Here an example what is the usual standard at mobile homes.

Mobile home wall construction Mobile home wall construction
The maximum width to make the transport as e simple retinued over broad transport is 3.6m. So not su much place for thermal insulation remains.

  Plan for house building - requirements specifications

From the first idea over the requirements specifications and how this develops to constructions plans. The development of my second plus energy house.

Ground plan for an one family house
Thoughts about the ground plan during the planning of our plus energy house. Size of the house, division and size of the rooms.

Roof for a one family house
Planning for the roof, the deciding component, which makes a house an energy waster or energy producer. Electric power and warmth from the roof is a must.

Cellar at house building
To much ground surface of the cellar for a usefull usage. New ideas to use the place below the house better. New demands which will be actual in the next decades.

Context description:  wall construction
one family house houses requirements specifications plan houseplan plans houseplans planning houseplanning idea houseidea ideas houseideas thought housethought thoughts housethoughts concept houseconcept concepts houseconcepts