News over building and living

Actual trend and products around building and living. Special about the usage of solar energy, photovoltaic and decreasing the use of energy.

  Actual news from

Homeowner assoication USA
A homeowner association forbids photovoltaic for esthetic look like. This sickos should take an oil bath in the Golf of Mexico.

Work in the US building industry
Economic decline means to have no idea from the future. An object lesson about this is in the Wall Street Journal from Harvard University economist Lawrence Katz.

There is no over capacity at photovoltaic
The chief of a solar company talks about an over capacity on the photovoltaik market. But the worldwied production is just 1% of the absolut minimum from what is required.

Climate renewal costs
The resarch of the earth population about the theme climate renewal and climate renovation costs is complete insufficient. But without caclulation of the consequential costs no CO2 tax.

CO2 carbon dioxid interest
Who takes a credit has to pay back because of the interest much more. Also at the greenhouse gases, interest exists, the unfreezing permafrost grounds worsen the situation.

  Spezial themes from

Land for Energy Land for Energy
Living under photovoltaic. Give them land for an own house. Require electric power as lease. Same yield like at an Outdoor PV-plant required.

Electric power price
The different offer of solar and wind, the storage technology and in the time moveable electric power consumption lead to a very complex construction.

High-Carbon Lignite Impedes German Climate Policy
Guest article from Jefffrey H. Michel about CCS, brown coal (lignite) in Germany and the problems with the German climate politics.

Renewable energy depends from storage for electric power
Applied Materials wants to sell photovoltaic factories, but why only 80 and not 400 MW for a town with 1 million inhabitants? Without storage technology is not more possible.

Baile Herculane in Romania Baile Herculane in Romania
From the last visit of my wife 1995 until 2009, a frightening decay of the famouse rheumatism bath happend, where even the old Romans cured their rheumatic deseases.

Break through at lithium batteries
Much longer service life and an evident reduction at the production costs. A new generation of lithium energy storage crucial for oil exit and climate protection.

Lithium battery as electric power storage
Basic calculation models for lithium an electricity storage. The textbook to recognise early, at what applications is rentability already given, or is short before rentability.

  Fair reports from

Beijing Shanghai high speed train Beijing Shanghai high speed train
The line will be opened soon. 5 hours from Beijing to Shanghai. At the Station Nanking produces a 10,67 MW photovoltaic from CSUN 9 GWh electric power per year.

RenExpo Salzburg 2010 RenExpo Salzburg 2010
Vom 25 bis 27 November 2010 fand in Salzburg zum 2. mal die RenExpo statt. Messebericht von der RenExpo Salzburg.

Cheap fundation Cheap fundation
Are private houses becoming cheaper by photovoltaic on the field? Using this methods for foundation makes a cost reduction possible.

Intersolar 2010 Intersolar 2010
The Intersolar grows, the photovoltaikc market grows, but not fast enough to replace fossil energy in the required dimension fastest.

Intersolar 2009 photovoltaic fair Intersolar 2009 photovoltaic fair
Fair report from the Intersolar 2009. It is possible to built up solar energy as fast as the production of crude oil and natural gas decreases.

Intersolar 2008 in Munich Intersolar 2008 in Munich
For the first time in Munich,the Intersolar was able to enlarge on 7 large fair halls on the fair ground Munich Riem. Soon large report! Here to the special part mobility

  Live, building, houses

The architecture and solar architecture online magazin of PEGE shows problems, ideas and solutions around houses, building and live in general.

Live, building, houses Live, building, houses
The architecture and solar architecture online magazin of PEGE shows problems, ideas and solutions around houses, building and live in general.

Context description:  live build building construction house houses
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