Lecture solar heating
Heat pump is for a long time known. Some architects even know about the possibility to use the underground as a seasonal storage. New: A roof to deliver electric power and heat.
Skater course surface
In the skater course surface is a solar collector integrated. So it's possible to change the scater course in winter for ice skating or to heat the near by swimming pool in summer.
Sport ground surface
Sport ground surface with heat exchanger. With this, it's possible to head to swimming pool in summer time. In winter, it's possible to use a tennis court for ice skating.
Swimming pool heating
A solar collector for swimming pool heating can not only be installed on a roof. Solkav shows integration in sports grounds, footpaths and streets.
Solar cooker, cooking with the sun
Far beyond the possibilities of this smallest photovoltaic system is cooking. Here a burning mirror for concentrating the sunlight on the cooking pot.