Leaning photovoltaic facade

Leaning photovoltaic facade
Lean to facade is the new ready to use system from Schüco called. Big halls can be easy equipped with a photovoltaic facade to reduce cooling demand and to produce electric power.  

Lean to facade is the new ready to use system from Schüco called. Big halls can be easy equipped with a photovoltaic facade to reduce cooling demand and to produce electric power.

Schüco has a 40 MW production line for single layer amorphous.

  Intersolar 2010

The Intersolar grows, the photovoltaikc market grows, but not fast enough to replace fossil energy in the required dimension fastest.

BP greenwashing in perfection BP greenwashing in perfection
At the BP fair booth at the Intersolar 2010 photovoltaic fair a green actor. The term ''greenwaching'' in perfection visualised.

Applied Materials - Schüco Applied Materials - Schüco
Applied Materials introduces a new owner of a photovoltaic factory. Schüco is now an further owner of a SunFab of Applied.

Cheap fundation Cheap fundation
Are private houses becoming cheaper by photovoltaic on the field? Using this methods for foundation makes a cost reduction possible.

Energy-saving bulb before end? LED! Energy-saving bulb before end? LED!
The energy saving bulb needs time until full brightness and looses brighness after long usage. It will be replaced by LED lamps in the next years.

Halogen lamp before end? LED! Halogen lamp before end? LED!
The halogen lamp is only a little bit improved bulb. What looks here like halogen lamps are all LED lamps.

Fluorescent lamp before end? LED! Fluorescent lamp before end? LED!
Since decades the standard lightning in offices. But what here lights are LEDs

Context description:  photovoltaic solarenergy solarpower solar fair photovoltaicfair solarenergyfair solarpowerfair solarfair faris photovoltaicfaris solarenergyfaris solarpowerfaris solarfaris exhibition photovoltaicexhibition solarenergyexhibition solarpowerexhibition solarexhibition exhibitions photovoltaicexhibitions solarenergyexhibitions solarpowerexhibitions solarexhibitions Europe Europan German Germany Bavaria Munich event events date time month 6 June spring summer