350 billions tons CO2Fossil energy is something extrem short term, solar energy will be at last 4 billion years. A compare of fossil energy vs photovoltaic.How much photovoltaic is necessary to produce in the next 4 billion years as much electric power, at the whole mankind used fossil energy until now? Therefor is a conversion from CO2 to electric power necessary. This conversion is to see in the tabel how much CO2 emissions saves 1 kWh renewable electric power. For the further calculation is assumed 1 kWh solar electric power replaces 0.7 kg CO22
Seems to be a gigantic number, but the task is "How much photovoltaic is necessary to create in 4 billion years as much energy as the energetic waste in the atmosphere of mankind equals".
My planned plus energy house should have a yearly yield of 12.5 MWh. 10 houses like this produce in 4 billion years the energy equivalent of all the carbon dioxide, humanity emitted into the atmosphere. Fossil energy is a ridiculous dramtisation of mental mayflies. A seriouse civilization would never use such a unproductive energy source. |