Lithium revolution: exchange every 10 years the electrolyteAs mentioned above, the OGRON technology is using only active materials and no additives. As a result, only the electrolyte is determining the length of the useful life of the cells.
With conventional technologies, the space of the electrolyte, over time, is drying out. In addition, as a result of degradation, the electrolyte is loosing, irreversibly, particles reducing the cell performance. These increasing volumes of particles are moving to the electrodes' surface, or are remaining in the electrolytic solution and/or in the gas space of the cell. The OGRON technology is combining innovations of the cell construction with a permanent control of the electrolyte. As soon as the electrolytic solution is showing signs of deterioration (likely after 10 years), the battery management system will report this. The problem can be solved by replacing the electrolyte through built-in valves.
A fascinating invention, making the storage of large amounts of energy (10 and more MW ) possible. The Technical University of Delft has supported Franz W. Winterberg (the founder of GAIA Akkumulatorenwerke in Germany), the inventor, since 1995. Dr. Erik Kelder, together with his team of scientists, is prepared to assist him and OGRON during the construction of a proto-type facility to manufacture these revolutionary batteries. |