Break through at lithium batteries

Much longer service life and an evident reduction at the production costs. A new generation of lithium energy storage crucial for oil exit and climate protection.

Revolution at lithium batteries
A recent development of OGRON BV, the Dutch company, is promising to revolutionise the Lithium battery technology and battery and energy storage technologies in general.

New lithium technic without thermical problems
This invention is avoiding all thermal problems which, sofar, are customary for conventionally manufactured Lithium batteries.

Lithium revolution: exchange every 10 years the electrolyte
As mentioned above, the OGRON technology is using only active materials and no additives. As a result, only the electrolyte is determining the length of the useful life

Large Ion Battery Technology and Application
Henny Wiggers, managing director of OGRON BV, announced that the company will be present during the 5th International Symposium of Large Ion Battery Technology and Application

Significant contributions to the new lithium energy storage
Microtech (OGRON USA) developt in the last 4 years a special coiler and an automatic package system for the cells, making it easy to exchange the electrolyt.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joop Schoonman university Delft
Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joop Schoonman university Delft Professor of inorganic Chemistry

Editorial of PEGE
Important questions about the future, reports and possible solutions. PEGE as an independent analyst of facts and designer of long term strategies outside of short sighted populisms.

Lithium has the best expectations to solve our problems at our mobility and the day/night balancing of a photovoltaic oriented power supply.

Context description:  lithium battery batteries resarch study fabrication manufacture production event events date time month 3 March winter spring Professor Prof. Dr. h.c. Joop Schoonman university Delft