2008 News about energy, building and live

A time of fast change. Nothing remains in the energy sector like it was. Project designers have to learn to think with a complete new cost structure.

Ilisu dam
The plan is to produce 3833 GWh electric power per year by a 313 km² large artificial lake. 78,000 humans have to be resettled.

Electric power saving competition
The ''Bund der Energieverbraucher'' (energy user association) in Germany starts a competition to save electric power. Each saved kWh is rewarded by 2.-EUR

Solar duty instead of universal conscription
Since thousands of years is the draft an extreme life-threatening concern. What would be compared to this a solar duty for roofs?

Photovoltaic vs nuclear fusion
We write the year 2040. The resarch ober nuclear fusion has made the necessary progress for a commercial operation, but what is with the economy?

Heat pump: the enemies of the heat pump calculate wrong
The enemies of the heat pump calculate wrong. The electric power consumption of the oil heating system is ignored, the development of the electric power production is wrong foreseen.

Photovoltaic salesman
Limited special knowledge for the sell of photovoltaic surrounded by a really legendary nescience. How sould a poor politician know all, when even a specialist?

Built on sand, no worse built on oil
We stand at the rubble of our civilization. A civilization built on crude oil, becoming unusable after peak oil.

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