Comment about solar dutySynergy effects by construction material replaced by photovoltaic and low modul prices make electric power from thin film photovoltaic cheap enough, to think about a duty.
For countries more in the south is solar electric power even cheaper.
An electric power price extreme high for an aluminium factory is extreme low for a car driver. We will have to change in the next years the street traffic from crude oil to electric power. Sport car drivers pay in city traffic up to 2,50 EUR per kWh. 25 litre gasoline for 1,50 EUR for 100 km possible with 15 kWh electric power. The scooter driver pays about 1,50 EUR. 4 litre gasoline and 2 stroke engine lubrikant for 100km possible with 5 kWh electric power. Even the fuel saving Diesel driver pays in city traffic 70 Cent per kWh.