Solar duty

Study about the fast increase of electric power from photovoltaic. The German energy entry law is the best possible for 2004. The solar duty orients at the possibilities of 2008.

EEG Germany: It is difficult to bestow money
At the proclamation of the energy delivery low, there should have been immedeately long queues at every photovoltaic company to take the money present.

Germany EEG: credit problems
For German banks is a photovoltaic with 20 years energy delivery contract no security. At this fail 8 from 10 people interested in a photovoltaic. Solar duty guarantees the credit

Cheap thin film modules + synergy
The basics of the study for solar duty are cheap thin film modules replacing as synergy effect material for roof and and facade.

Comment about solar duty
Synergy effects by construction material replaced by photovoltaic and low modul prices make electric power from thin film photovoltaic cheap enough, to think about a duty.

Development of the solar duty
Unvarying tariffs, but from year to year more requisition at new buildings is the development target of the solar duty. Here a compare to the German EEG.

Storage duty for solar electric power
In the final state will be 60% of the maximal daily yield be the minimu battery capacity. But even at the begin of the solar duty will be an appropriate sized place for the storage a duty.

Liberation from the solar duty
The government determines for each property the dimension of solar duty. By the furtherance, there is a highest price, where the system is cost neutral for the new house owner.

Photovoltaic politics and furtherance
Further now, in order that when electric power from fossil energy costs 30 Cent per kWh, solr electric power costs only 25 Cent per kWh

Context description:  solar sun duty solarduty sunduty construction building buildings event events date time