100 GW wind energy installed

Middle May 2008 are worldwide 100 GW wind energy power plants working, 240 GW shall be 2012 and until 2020 shall be enlarged to 1000 GW.

Per kW wind power plant are in average 2000 kWh yearly yield.

Year 2008 2012 2020
Installed wind energy 100 GW 240 GW 1000 GW
Yearly yield of wind energy 200 TWh 480 TWh 2000 TWh
Photovoltaic Scenario 30% 15 TWh 75 TWh 967 TWh
Photovoltaik Scenario 50% 15 TWh 106 TWh 2912 TWh
Photovoltaic war eonomy 15 TWh 319 TWh 18217 TWh

  Numbers to compare

  • 15900 TWh world wide electric power production 2003
  •   3000 TWh electric power from water 2003
  •   2660 TWh electric power from fision atomic power plants 2006

  Replace crude oil by electric power

At an average of 3 kWh electric powr for 1 litre crude oil correspond the planed 2000 TWh planed wind energy yield in 2020 only 11,5 barrels crude oil per day.

After the interview with the IEA April 2008, the reduction of oil producion is estimated with 3,7 to 4,2% per year. This corresponds with a reduce of production of 30 to 33 million barrels a day in 2020.

This numbers show, why PEGE demands a war economy like increase of solar and wind energy.

Wind energy - wind power plants Wind energy - wind power plants
Wind power plants. Directory over all our reports about wind energy.

  News about construction, live and energy 2008

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Context description:  worldwide installed wind power plant plants event events date time month 5 May spring 2008-05-18
event 2008