Who sits in the glass house should not throw stonesIn plain lack of knowledge about the storage problem, the say ''Atomic power highway'' or ''Atomic power refinement system'' about infrastructrue to store electric power.
France shows, a grid with 80% electricity from atomic power is possible. Compared to the amount of atomic power are minimal storage systems. Atomic power plants are slowly at the power change. So when it is not possible to follow the decreasing load fast enough. there is not useable excess electricity. Excess is waste. In this sense, storage power plants do waste utilization. Excess electricity becomes valuable top demand electricity. Storage power plants in the alps are just right now the cheapest variant. Would they not exist, the next more expensive variant would have been to use. for example Compressed air power plants. The storage problem is at atomic power insignificantly.
Even at 80 GW wind and 160 GW sun, it is possible that on a sunny windy day are 3 times the demand is feed in the German power grid. Theoretical, it would be possible with 100 GW wind and 300 GW solar electric power to have similar high parts of renewable energy, like France has in atomic power. But in this case, at a sunny and windy day, 5 times the demand could be feed into the German grid. There are storage power plants suddenly more than cost optimization. "Oh, our atomic power plants are producing just right now 3 GW to much electricity, the demand decreased to fast, we need storage for cost optimization". Here is the storage technology a question of existence. "Oh, our sun- and wind power plants are just producing 300 GW to much electric power. This situation will never happen, because as long as the storage problem is not solved, sun- and wind will not be enlarged to this dimesnion. |