CO2 Carbon dioxide reduction

It is not enough to reduce the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is necessary to reduce the CO2 contained in the atmosphere to the amount in 1900.

  With 20.-EUR, it's not possible to take 1 ton CO2 out of the atmosphere

Thr current price for CO2 emissions is by magnitudes to low. The prices are for a small reduction of the emissions, but not for a recuction of the CO2 quantity in the atmosphere.

  1 ha forest takes out 10 t CO2 per year

But where to plant such a forest? Where just right now is no wood, where is no agriculture for food. When there remain only such dry areas, that 500mm irrigation per year is necessary, the reduction of 1t CO2 would cost around 400.-EUR

Let's view each kg CO2 emission as a credit. A credit which have to be paid back with an first time estimated range of 0.40 to 0,70 EUR.

It requires more exact studies, what areas are suitable at what irrigation costs and how much are the real costs. But here a first overview:

Cost per ton of CO2 400.--EUR 500.--EUR 600.--EUR 700.--EUR
1 litre gasoline 2366g CO2 0.95 EUR 1.18 EUR 1.42 EUR 1.66 EUR
1 liter diesel 2660g CO2 1.06 EUR 1.33 EUR 1.60 EUR 1.86 EUR
1 kg natural gas 2220g CO2 0.89 EUR 1.10 EUR 1.33 EUR 1.55 EUR
1 kWh electricity from lignite 1100g CO2 0.44 EUR 0.55 EUR 0.66 EUR 0.77 EUR
1 kWh electricity from coal 900g CO2 0.36 EUR 0.45 EUR 0.54 EUR 0.63 EUR
1 kWh German electricity mxi 514g CO2 0.20 EUR 0.26 EUR 0.31 EUR 0.36 EUR
1 kWh CC power plant 365g CO2 0.15 EUR 0.18 EUR 0.22 EUR 0.26 EUR

  Attention! New recognitions about CO2 interest!

Editorial of PEGE
Important questions about the future, reports and possible solutions. PEGE as an independent analyst of facts and designer of long term strategies outside of short sighted populisms.

CO2 carbon dioxide
Overview about different aspects of the green house gas prolems. Above all, what will it cost to reach again the normal state?

  Energy for the future

Who has energy can solve problems. Examples over methods and magnitudes for the future energy supply of mankind.

Replace crude oil by electric power
The amount of electric power to replace an unit of fossile energy can, depending on application, be complete different.

Replace crude oil by photovoltaic
From all methods to produce energy is only with photovoltaic the magnitude reachable necessary to solve the problems of humanity.

Scenarios of energy development
Description for the 4 different szenarios of photovoltaik world market development. Explanation for the increasing amount of electric power to replace 1 litre of crude oil.

Photovoltaic 30% yearly increase
Against the prognosis of the Energy Watch Group, reduction of the crude oil production to 39 million barrels a day in 2030, is a 30% increase of the photovoltaic world market not enough.

Photovoltaic world production 50% yearly plus
This szenario shows until 2020 a 50% yearly increase of production and later of 20% per year. To avoid an oil crisis would be a more fast increase better.

War economy: extreme increase of photovoltaic world production
From 2010 to 2014 radical increase of the photovoltaic world production with 200% per year until 1000 GW yearly production is reached, further extension with 10% per year.

Rationality 1992
What would be, if starting with 1992, the year I invented the GEMINI house, the photovoltaic world production would have been increased by 60% per year?

Difference 2018
The prognosis for the crude oil production in 2018 is 63 million barrel per day. How much we pay for this, how hard we are hit by a recession, decides the politic today.

Biomass in the change of time
Biomass is in the present seen as a supplier for energy, but this will change in the future to a supplier of raw material requiring energy for processing.

Biomass wood
The wood ofen will become a luxury, instead of 4,3 kWh heat by burning, we will invest 10 kWh electric power to produce 1,65 methanol from 1 kg wood.

Dessert and dry areas
A sea water desalination system supplied by solar electric power near the shore needs for the photovoltaic only 0.8% of the surface to irrigate with 500mm water a year.

Storage of electric power
The biggest problem of photovoltaic is to bring offer and demand together. Study about possible solutions.

5 kWh Lithium batteries per kW photovoltaic
At an fast increase of photovoltaic, it will be soon necessary to store electric power and to feed the power equable in the power grid.

Context description:  future energy electric power supply use electricity usage event events date time month 2 Feb February winter