Combined collector

From left to right: solar collector, photovoltaic and both in one. The combined colletor has a so good thermal efficiency, that hot water can be produced without heat pump.

Combined collector
From left to right: solar collector, photovoltaic and both in one. The combined colletor has a so good thermal efficiency, that hot water can be produced without heat pump.

Other photovoltaic heat combinations produce only warmth at a low temperature level, where a heat pump brings it up to 50 degree Celsius.
Photovoltaic - Electric power direct from light Photovoltaic - Electric power direct from light
Even a far north situated industrial nation like Germany could produce a big part of the needed energy by the roofs of the houses. Photovoltaic has much potential.

Photovoltaic and heat combined Photovoltaic and heat combined
Cogeneration of electric power and heat from one modul. Optimal utilization of roofs by combined production of electric power and heat on the same area.

  Intersolar 2006 solar energy fair in Freiburg

Fair report from the last intersolar in Freiburg. The worldwide largest fair for solar energy has on the fair ground from Freiburg not enough place.

Flat roof foil Flat roof foil
4 pieces of 6m long photovoltaic foils are on a flat roof foil from SolarIntegrated integrated.

Photovoltaic production CO2 emission Photovoltaic production CO2 emission
Proudly announces Evergreensolar with only 25,4 g CO2 per kWh solar electric power at their photovoltaic modules. At the calculation, the CO2 at the production is distributed on 25 years.

Solar roofing tile Solar roofing tile
Even when You like roofing tiles, You can use solar energy. GS presents this system with photovoltaic roofing tiles.

Intersolar 2008 in Munich Intersolar 2008 in Munich
The fair ground in Freiburg is to small. This year had been 6 big tents where usual the parking lot of the fair is. Out of this reason, the fair Intersolar will be in 2008 Munich

Context description:  photovoltaic solarenergy solarpower solar fair photovoltaicfair solarenergyfair solarpowerfair solarfair faris photovoltaicfaris solarenergyfaris solarpowerfaris solarfaris exhibition photovoltaicexhibition solarenergyexhibition solarpowerexhibition solarexhibition exhibitions photovoltaicexhibitions solarenergyexhibitions solarpowerexhibitions solarexhibitions Europe Europan German Germany Freiburg event events date time month 6 June spring summer