Mobile home fair Düsseldorf panorama
Panorama photo from the mobile homes on the Caravan show Düsseldorf 2007. Tobs, which presented 1999 his energy saving mobile home was with 3 models on the fair.
Tobs 860x610 mobile home fair model 2007
Tobs shows with 2 parts 860 cm long and 305 cm width parts combined to 610 cm width, what all is possible at mobile homes.
Tobs 1080 mobile home fair model 2007
10.8m long and 3,65m width is the next mobile home which is presented by Tobs in Düsseldorf on the Caravan Show.
Tobs 840 mobile home fair model 2007
While the both bigger Tobs mobile homes are suitable as a main place of residence for 2 persons, this 8.4m long and 3.65m width model is designed for holidays and weekend.
Smart House terrace
About 200 m² ground in a settlement of such compact homes in a beautiful landscape, efordable living in the green, so that there is enough money left.