Cheap energy creates cheap botch-up

The mainstream of the mass media laments the rising energy prices. However, a precise situation analysis reveals: cheap energy leads to botch-up solutions making sick.

  Sick building syndrome by cheap oil

In the 60s of the last century still believed almost all oil is cheap and everlasting. Because of the cheap oil buildings became built which count today as derelict construction sins. Heat insulation thanks! There is enough oil to the combustion! The inside of the walls was cold in winter, the surface of the radiators very hot. In the warm upward wind zones by the radiators dust became whirled upwards.

Because of the cold wall surfaces the air temperature had to be surely high, so that a person feels fine there from the temperature. However, high air temperature lowers the relative air humidity. This means hot very dry air for feeling bad.

  Expensive energy creates high-quality solutions

A difference almost already as largely as between sky and hell is between the ill houses of that time and the most modern construction technic from today. Wall heating in capilary tube technik with a preliminary heat temperature only 7 degrees about ambient temperature. The windows of today have a better heat insulation than the walls of this ancient cheap oil time.

A controlled living space airing with heat recovery creates a steadily good aerial quality. Permanente air exchange realized technically. Because the walls are much warmer - more than 10-fold better heat insulation in comparison to the wrong times of cheapest energy and the wall heating - the air tempeature can be much lower with the same thermal well-being. This creates a higher relative air humidity and avoids the health load of extremely dry air.

Progress for more residential comfort which we owe to the energy becoming more expensive.

  2005 real estates and mobility

The demand for future secure real estate increases. From the simple roof over the head, operating expenses do not matter because energy is cheap, to self supply with heat and electric power.

Peak Oil: Mobility shall be independent from oil price
Commuters with daily 100 kms for the way to the work observe anxiously the oil price: How long is the way to the work still performable? What remains, after refuelling?

House to sell in Haidenrain near Radkersburg
Zero energy house with negative operating expenses with 260 m² living space to sell 1000 ms ² property because of a move caused by the family for about only 280,000 EUR.

Cheap electric power for unprofessional solutions Cheap electric power for unprofessional solutions
An omnipresent sight in southern lands. The back chill unity of an air-conditioning stands on a terrace and makes noise with the ventilating fan.

Out of oil, gas and wood
The gas price is coupled in the oil price. But the consumers will soon see that also the wood price is coupled to the oil price. Only solar energy makes really independent.

Franz Alt! 18 degrees.No! Thanks!
Franz Alt propagates 18 instead of 24 degrees of ambient temperature, however, there is nothing more superfluous than to freeze at 18 degrees in a solar house with an electric power and warmth combination system.

Building Tower to Babel: huge upward wind power stations
EnviroMission would like to build with huge scenery consumption an up wind power plant. However, the electric power yield is in proportion to the surface demand very small.

Electric power and warmth from biomass
The design of the equipment will strongly change during the next 20 years. At the moment such equipment are construed as constantly running run power stations.

Power outage in Münsterland
Intense snowfall broke the high voltage pylons ans with this the power supply. for several days. What would have brought a photovoltaic in this situation.

Power outages precautions
What helps a grid connected photovoltaic at a power outage? Tips for a photovoltaic helping over a power outage liks in Münsterland.

2005 fairs and fair reports around construction and living
Overview over all our fair reports from 2005 around construction, energy, energy saving and furnitures.

Fair reports 2005 about construction and lving
Overview over all our fair reports from 2005 around construction, energy, energy saving and furnitures.

Context description:  cheap cheaper cheapest energy
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