Electric power and heat of wood

The oil price is rising, Peak oil dreaded by the economy gets closer. Which role can play wood in the future of our mobility and energy supply?

Powerplant Güssing: 2 MW BHKW - electric power and heat of wood Powerplant Güssing: 2 MW BHKW - electric power and heat of wood
The new type of powerplant using wood has 85% total efficiency. The electric power generation 25..28%. A realized EU-research project for the CO2 reduction.

Powerplant electric power and heat by wood schema Powerplant electric power and heat by wood schema
On the day container is the schma for the power plant. From the most important points you see on the next sides photos of the real arrangements.

Wood carburetor Wood carburetor
At 850 degrees the biomass is gasified under supply by steam in the whirl layer steam carburetor. From it occurs a product gas poor in tar free of nitrogen with high heat value.

Gas engine generates from wood electric power and heat Gas engine generates from wood electric power and heat
The wooden gas is convertet with this engine by the ''Jenbacher Werke'' in electric power and heat.

Burning wood is waste
How are all renewable energy sources useful in the best way possible? Growing again raw materials like wood count to these. A simple combustion can not be counted as a good use.

Powerplant Güssing: 2 MW BHKW - electric power and heat of wood
The new type of powerplant using wood has 85% total efficiency. The electric power generation 25..28%. A realized EU-research project for the CO2 reduction. Wooden pile for the energy production
Beside 2 MW powerplant is this wood pile. The wood comes from the region, the routes of transport are short and the efficiency high. The crane carries the wood to the shredder
A mobile shredder arrangement is on the power station area. This shredder works mostly for the power station. But it can be also hired to shredder wood. Mobile wooden comminution in the wood shredder
Such a shredder is neither quiet on one side nor dust free. On the other side, a powerplant producing not only electric power but also heat should be as near as possible at the consumers. Wood chips
Perhaps, if the village edge of Güssing gets closer and closer, the shredder work on the wood chips will be performed somewhere else and the wood chips will be brought with a truck to the powerplant. Conveyor belt piles up the wood chips
With a conveyor belt accumulates the freshly hacked wood chips to mountains. Wood chip shred mountains
These mountains of wood chip shreds are about 6 meters high. Wood transport to the day container
Wood chips are substantially lighter than an earth, hence, this dredge for moving wood chips has a substantially bigger excavator shovel than it would be possible with earth. Day container for wood in the power station
From the wood chip shred mountains the excavator brings the wood chip shreds in the direct stock container for the power station. Further it goes on a subterranean conveyor belt. Powerplant electric power and heat by wood schema
On the day container is the schma for the power plant. From the most important points you see on the next sides photos of the real arrangements. Elevator and transport snail for wood
The wood is carried in the yellow elevator upwards and then with the transport snail down. The carburetor is sealed thus against gas escape on the wrong side. Wood carburetor
At 850 degrees the biomass is gasified under supply by steam in the whirl layer steam carburetor. From it occurs a product gas poor in tar free of nitrogen with high heat value. Product gas filter
In a fabric filter, left part of the picture, becomes the wooden gas cleaned from dust. Gas cleaning with rapeseed oil
The gas cleaner reduces tar, ammonia and sour gas components in the wooden gas with rapeseed oil. All rest materials are supplied by a special procedure again into the process. Gas engine generates from wood electric power and heat
The wooden gas is convertet  with this engine by the “Jenbacher Werke“ in electric power and heat. District heating: Engine wastre heat in the district heating net
The waste heat of the gas engine is fed here into the district heating net. Electricity from wooden gasification
The gas engine powers a 10.000 V generator. A transformator brings this to 20.000 V. A underground cable leads to the near transformator station. There it goes on with 110.000 V. Power station Güssing controlling space
Only a few computer monitors form the controlling space for the power station. Eco-tourism in Burgenland
Several hundred people visit every week Güssing for a personal impression of our future energy supply. Places of interest in Güssing
With so much visitor's interest, the biomass power station counts certainly to the places of interest of Güssing in Burgenland. Technology center Güssing
The offices of the biomass power station and many other innovative companies on the subject renewable energy are in the technology center Güssing. Photvoltaic near the technology center Güssing
To the south of the main building is this big photovoltaic system mounted.

Energy supply with renewable energy Energy supply with renewable energy
Huge changeovers in our energy supply are imminent. We report over the condition of the technologies and their future-potential of different sources of energy.

Energy from wood Energy from wood
Where is energy from wood usefull in a long term? Where is the use of wood for energy maybe only a short time fashion hype without sustainability?

Context description:  Austria Austrian Burgenland Güssing wood power plant powerplant plants powerplants Europe European EU resarch project projects renewable energy event events date time