Subterraneanly streets cheaper

Cars with internal combustion engines create high costs for subterraneanly streets for the necessary air exchange to bring the fumes out

  Plug in hybrids - minimum 50km electric

Even a standing car with combustion engine on needs 100 times more air than a sitting human. In the worst case is in the tunnel a traffic jam and nobody switches of the comustion engine. In this case uses a car as much air as 100 humans, but a car uses only 6m * 2,5m place, an area where it's hard to place 100 humans.

Construction and operating costs for the airing are a big expense at every kind of subterraneanly traffic. Communal politicians will love the plug-in hybrid. When it's able to drive 50km electric, combustion engines while driving through a tunnel are unnecessary. Simple put a sign at the entrance, combustion engines forbidden.

  Bounds less by the price

The bounds for underground streets will be less by costs than in the oil age when the combustion engines of cars had been always turned on. Underground will be more a question where is is usefull and where it's uncomfortable to be banned in the car from the surface.

The new freedom of planing demands a responsible dealing with it.

  Future urban development

New technical development brings new planning targets for municipal politicians and new design possibilities for architects.

Energy turning point full in progress
Application for application will be the word cheap oil and expensive solar energy turned in the opposite. Cheap solar energ and expensive oil will be the oppinion of the masses.

Roof areas for the generation of energy
It does not matter to south, west, east or even a little bit towards north. Each roof surface, each partway sunny facade is urgent necessary for the generation of energy.

Electric power, heat and climate regulation
Big towns have a some degree Celsius more warm climate than the green surroundings. This has not to be like this, however a mad energy wastefulness costing us much money.

End of the compressed urban planing
We live where we yield the solar energy. The required area is regulated by the energy demand. Tendency against compression and pro generous surface usage.

Urban planing: Turn of the parameters
Until now, more compression was the philosophy, but a turn around of many parameters goes in the opposit direction in favor for the people.

Context description:  urban development in the future plan planing new parameter parameters developments change changing event events date time