End of the compressed urban planingWe live where we yield the solar energy. The required area is regulated by the energy demand. Tendency against compression and pro generous surface usage.What sense to cram somebody in a 10 floor building, when this building has not enough roof to produce the energy requirements for the inhabitants? Maybe to built somewhere in the nature a solar power plant? No! This is with an architecture for humans incompatibly.
Our houses, our fabrics, all our buildings has to be used to win solar energy. A tile roof and a solar power plant in the nature is a sacrilege against nature. A solar power plant has to be mounted on the buildings. On areas already used up by humans. But what to do, when this buildings are not enough to produce enough energy?
Change the planning scheme, Instead of one skyscraper a cushy settlement of one family houses, all with roof areas with photovoltaic thermal combined systems. Even with cheap amorphous cells enough for 10,000 kWh yearly yield. 4000 kWh for the household, warm water and heating, 3000 kWh for 20.000 km a year with plug-in hybrid cars. 3000 kWh for the industry, which has not enough surface for the high energy demand. |