Photovoltaic or solar collector

Best of all 100% of the roof surface with photovoltaik and 100% with Sonenkollektoren. This goes by a new technology which unites both functions in the same surface perfectly.

Combined modul photovoltaic solar collector Combined modul photovoltaic solar collector
Looks like a photovoltaic, delivers more electric power than a normal photovoltaic, because this modul delivers also heat at the same time and works so cooler.

Photovoltaic modul with water cooling Photovoltaic modul with water cooling
The photovoltaic has 2 connections for cooling water. Warm with the warmth the swimming pool or the earth collector of the heat pump based heating system.

Backside of a combined photovoltaic modul Backside of a combined photovoltaic modul
Horizontal the common cooling pipe, vertically the capillar pipes for the cooling of the photovoltaic cells. Every degree Celsius cooling brings 0,48% more power.

Heat pump for warm water and heating Heat pump for warm water and heating
Compact in one unit with the buffer storage, the system manages the warmth from the photovoltic moudules, heating and cooling of the earth collector.

Warm water out of the buffer storage from the heating Warm water out of the buffer storage from the heating
By a plate heat exchanger is tap water warmed up during the passage. No time for bacterias to breed in the warm water.

Photovoltaic Uoc Voc Isc Asc Pmpp Wmpp
News and statements on current topics concerning the energy transition, climate protection and the necessary development towards worldwide wealth.

Top innovations which will have significant consequences for our future cross all our different technical magazines.

Different view points about photovoltaic from our different technical magazines as wide outstretched information about electric power from light.

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Photovoltaic - Electric power direct from light Photovoltaic - Electric power direct from light
Even a far north situated industrial nation like Germany could produce a big part of the needed energy by the roofs of the houses. Photovoltaic has much potential.

Photovoltaic and heat combined Photovoltaic and heat combined
Cogeneration of electric power and heat from one modul. Optimal utilization of roofs by combined production of electric power and heat on the same area.

Context description:  photovoltaic electric power or compare compared to heat warmth sun solar collector suncollector solarcollector collectors suncollectors solarcollectors roof roofs usage utilization use of putting practical
Photovoltaic Pv modul Photovoltaicmodul Pvmodul modules Photovoltaicmodules Pvmodules technic Photovoltaictechnic Pvtechnic innovation Photovoltaicinnovation Pvinnovation innovations Photovoltaicinnovations Pvinnovations event events date time