Cellar or foundation

When I came along one year ago to the house planning, I still thought a cheap foundation and no cellar. However, with the progress of the planning everything looks completely different.

Garden house device hut Garden house device hut
Without cellar several square meters of garden must be sacrificed as a storage chamber. At -20 up to 50 degrees Celsius, only temperature-insensible materials can be stored there.

Compact gas heating in the storage Compact gas heating in the storage
For what cellar if a modern gas heating has place also in a tiny storage? However, the gas price is coupled to the oil price, a change from shortage of space impossibly.

Deep freeze best located in the cellar Deep freeze best located in the cellar
This deep freezer of Bosch is a class A with 237 kWh of annual consumption. This is measured to German Institute for Standardization with -18 degrees inside and 25 degrees of ambient temperature.

Washing machine belongs in the cellar Washing machine belongs in the cellar
Here in the toilet of an apartment. With the skidding the washing machine is still to be heard very clearly in the sitting room and makes the television open up more loudly.

Laundry-dry in the cellar Laundry-dry in the cellar
And where is the laundry dried at a house without cellar only on a foundation? An only foundation architect will say in addition tumble drier is cheap.

Tumble drier Tumble drier
If you have no cellar to the laundry-dry and do not want to stretch the clotheslines straight through sitting room, you must buy a tumble drier.

Foundation construction waiver
Before you give the assignment to a house without cellar, you must still sign this waiver. Take enough time to reflect, the mistake is irreversible.

Cellars in the single family optimally are of use
With a completely built with a cellar single-family dwelling 50 to 80 square meters of usable area are available. Tips and new ideas like one this can be of use sensibly.

Cellar to the rainwater use
Most single-family dwellings use less than half of the cellar surface sensibly. The cellar shows a new possibility of XYPEX to the rainwater use.

Place for tires store
4 winter tires and again 4 winter tires for the second car of the woman in plastic bags. Where with it if one has built without cellar and also no garage exists? With cellar build certainly about future
Oil and gas becomes expensive. Even if you start with a cheap gas heating, only with a cellar you have later enough place for the change on renewable energy. Wine climate cupboard
Prize question: Where does a wine climate cupboard uses more electric power: In a 10 to 15 degrees of warm cellar or in 20 to 25 degrees of warm kitchen? Wine temperier cupboard optimally put up
The norm consumption is determined at 25 degrees Celsius of ambient temperature. Depending on installation place bigger differences can appear. 7 years of safekeeping duty
So much depot duty already chops in  almost office without paper . But it would probably be clearly more. Without cellar valuable living space must be sacrificed for it. Hatchback device washing machine and tumble drier
Also a hatchback device like this does not save completely the handling of the wet laundry. 5 kg of washing capacity face 2.5 kg of dry capacity.

Plan for house building - requirements specifications Plan for house building - requirements specifications
From the first idea over the requirements specifications and how this develops to constructions plans. The development of my second plus energy house.

Cellar at house building
To much ground surface of the cellar for a usefull usage. New ideas to use the place below the house better. New demands which will be actual in the next decades.

Context description:  fundament or cellar decision descisions consultation counseling advising conferring discussion discussions