Surface yield with the power production

This fermentation gas plant is a big step forward, but also the proof of the fact that we must equip all our houses with complete photovoltaic roofs.

reap surfaceelectricity kWh heat kWh
Solar collector   550,00
Photovoltaic 100,00  
PV / heat combination110,00 500,00
Sunflower or oilseed rape 0,450,50
Biogas from plants 1,802,00

The fermentation gas plant brings 4 times so much electricity than one would cultivate on the same agricultural surface with oil plants, win biodiesel and to use this in a diesel engine for the electricity production. But this is still not enough for the energy demand of an industrial state.

If one needs more energy, more and more expensive sources must be disclosed. Water on a big river and a run power station, this is the cheapest way to produce electricity. Photovoltaic is the most expensive. If Germany would be an agrar state with 8 million inhabitants, this fermentation gas plant would be together with water power the solution for all energy problems, expensive photovoltaic superfluously. But Germany is an industrial state with 80 million inhabitants.

The energy from biomass is a valuable addition in the energy mix, but because of the surface needed, the greatest part of the energy supply must come by photovoltaic heat combination on all our roof surfaces.

  Biogas direcly from plants

More hectare yield in energy allows the biogas production in Strem. Using again fallow sites for the agriculture, an income for farmers from the energy production.

Driving silo as a biomass depot Driving silo as a biomass depot
10,000 metric tons of biomass of the maize cultivation are delivered here per year in the driving silos. Each of 4 driving silos is 15 ms wide and 70 ms long.

Second fermenter 1500 m³ Second fermenter 1500 m³
The tent roof serves as a gas storage. The storage can store the produced gas for 11.5 hours. At the moment electricity and heat is produced with the gas in a 500 kW gas engine.

Fertilizer from the fermentation gas equipment Fertilizer from the fermentation gas equipment
The lagoon catches 2,000 cubic meters fertilizers. After 6 months of fermentation gas production the lagoon is full. Then there come the farmers and fetch the valuable fertilizer.

Scheme of the biogas production in Strem
What hangs here as an facility scheme of the Thöni biogas production on a wall, we introduce on the next sides photo for photo in the reality. Unobtrusively in the landscape
From the left to the right: District heating Strem with 2 * 500 kWh of gas engines. The gas tent of the second fermenter, the driving silo. The rest  can not be seen from here. Solid entry
From the driving silos are up to 50 cubic meters of biomass all at once brought in the solid entry. This thing is comparable, so to speak, to the mouth of the cow. Main fermenter 1500 m³
For the start, 1300 ms ³ sanies had been introduced to the bacterial cultivation . Another research equipment got by 2 years without slury supplies, here the researchers hope more. Fertilizer collection
Here the farmers with the liquid manure barrels behind the tractor take over the liquid manure. The material what comes from the fermentation gas system is similar to cow dung.

Context description:  area energy yield areayield energyyield win areawin energywin wins areawins energywins
biogas system biogassystem systems biogassystems equipment biogasequipment plant biogasplant plants biogasplants EU Europe European resarch project projects Austria Austrian Burgenland Güssing Strem