German EEG solar electric power low

Guideline: 400m² real estate, a comfortable one family house and the maximal possible earnings by delivering electric power porduced by solar energy. The solution was planned 1991.

  GEMINI plus energy house, much advanced in time

If an architect would have the task to gain maximum profits from the German low for delivering solar electricity, than he would have to invent the GEMINI house again.

  Inhabited solar power plant

150m² photovoltaic tracked after the sun. This gives an abundant yearly yield of 20.000 kWh or 11,840.-EUR. If no neighbour disturbs the solar irradiation, possible on 400 m² real estate. From 28.70 earnings per squaremeter ground can a farmer only dream.

6 solar powered houses turning after the sun: 12 am
6 houses turning after the sun in order to get more solar energy on the huge photovoltaic roof. 6 solar power houses turning after the sun: 1 pm
6 houses turning after the sun in order to get more solar energy on the huge photovoltaic roof. 6 solar powered houses turning after the sun: 2 pm
6 houses turning after the sun in order to get more solar power on the huge photo voltaic roof. 6 solar power houses turning after the sun: 3 pm
6 houses turning after the sun in order to get more solar power on the huge photo voltaic roof. A small village turning after the sun: 4 pm
6 houses turning after the sun in order to get more solar power on the huge photovoltaic roof. A small hamlet turning after the sun: 5 pm
6 houses turning after the sun in order to get more solar energy on the huge photo voltaic roof.

  Turn mechanic paid with 5,000 kWh a year

A turnable house costs naturally more. But the difference between 150m² towards south and 150m² sun tracking is about 5,000 kWh a year. This makes 2,870.-EUR per year to pay the turn mechanic.

Money capital investment rendite
At weak conjuncture and predicted crises like the explosion of the oil price to find the proper investment strategy to hold the value and for a secure future.

  2004 increasing oil price shows how stupid anti solar people are

Solar energy is not economical told us since long time the users of oil heating. Now this people plea and wail for a government furtherance for the expensive fuel oil.

EU job market
The Austrian AK warns about social froud. So names the AK not paying social insurance at black work or many one man companies from the new EU countries.

Oil price record helps to save energy Oil price record helps to save energy
Just at new record heights, this thermic desolate residential building gets suddenly a partway usefull thermic insulation.

Quality of life: simple to bethink Quality of life: simple to bethink
News and statements on current topics concerning the energy transition, climate protection and the necessary development towards worldwide wealth.

Socialists in Austria wand furtherance for oil fuel
News and statements on current topics concerning the energy transition, climate protection and the necessary development towards worldwide wealth.

Context description:  max maximum maximal yield solar energy power photovoltaic one familiy house houses
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