Plus energy house GEMINI Austria Styria Weiz 2001

Photos from the main attraction of the styrian country exhibition about energy: a turnable turned after the sun zylinder styled house GEMINI

Styria exhibition for energy - Weiz - GEMINI solar power plant Styria exhibition for energy - Weiz - GEMINI solar power plant
The GEMINI house is open until 28. October 2001: Monday to friday 11am - 1pm, 2pm - 6 pm, Saturday 11am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 6pm

GEMINI inhabited solar power plant: guided tour GEMINI inhabited solar power plant: guided tour
She will tell You during the guided tour about technic, targets and backgrounds of the house, which is at the same time a solar power plant

Sponsors for a solar energy project Sponsors for a solar energy project
A house of the future from 2091: 1991 designed and 2001 finished. A vision about living in the age of solar energy supported by many future-oriented companies.

Heat recovery from outgoing air Heat recovery from outgoing air
The warm outgoing air gives the biggest part of the heat energy to the cold incoming air. Even necessary for low energy houses. With plus energy houses a must.

Sound absorber of the ventilating system Sound absorber of the ventilating system
Huge sound absorbers at the ventilating system guarantee living comfort. Energy saving which does not influence the comfort.

Context description:  sun solar home sunhome solarhome homes sunhomes solarhomes house sunhouse solarhouse houses sunhouses solarhouses powerplant sunpowerplant solarpowerplant powerplants sunpowerplants solarpowerplants power plant plants event events date time