Test results from a CdTe Photovoltaic cell

The test showed, that the thin film Cadmium Tellurium photovoltaic cell is superior at cloudy weather conditions. Only at full sun shine, the Silizium cell was in front.

CdTe = Cadmium Tellurium Photovoltaic Prototype

11 cells with 95 * 95 mm total surface charging 4 NC batteries.

average from shadow test: 2.23 W
cloudy sky under high sun: 20.3 W
aSI = amorphous silicon Photovoltaic

29 cells with 295 * 295 mm total surface charging 6 cells lead acid.

average from shadow test: 1.38 W
cloudy sky under high sun: 11.1 W
pSI = poly crystal silicon Photovoltaic

18 cells with 104 * 117 mm total surface charging 3 cells lead acid.

average from shadow test: 1.60 W
cloudy sky under high sun: 20.8 W

Results transformed to one square meter.

You can download cte.xls (59 kb) to view the data from the test.
Photovoltaic - Electric power direct from light Photovoltaic - Electric power direct from light
Even a far north situated industrial nation like Germany could produce a big part of the needed energy by the roofs of the houses. Photovoltaic has much potential.

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Less material and less energy usage at the production, good outcome at cloudy sky and the possibility for flexible PVs are the advantages of thin film technology.

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For areas with much cloudy weather is at photovoltaic not the best efficiency at full sun shine decisively.

Photovoltaic Prototype by CdTe Cadmium Tellurium
I tested a prototype from a CdTe Cadmium Tellurium photovoltaic with far superior features at weak light. (Results calculated for 1m²)

Context description:  non not silicon PV CtTe Cdte Cdt Cadmium Tellurium photovoltaic Cdtephotovoltaic Cdtphotovoltaic Cadmiumphotovoltaic Telluriumphotovoltaic photovoltaics Cdtephotovoltaics Cdtphotovoltaics Cadmiumphotovoltaics Telluriumphotovoltaics
event events date time 20 century